Facing the challenge of sustainability trough socioecology and ecophysics

16.12.2015  09:17
主  讲  人  : 马可▪卡萨扎(Marco Casazza)        教授

活动时间: 12月17日08时30分       

地            点  : 资环学院五楼报告厅


What is the sustainability that we would like to achieve? Starting from this question, I will introduce a physical framework for such a discussion, giving some data about the energetics from the human and technosphere (i.e.: the ensemble of available technologies) sides.   Then I will introduce the concept of Socio-Ecological System, trying to define and represent its components in the case of human communities.Finally I will discuss about some potential points, which should be developed in the future socio-ecological researches, also using a physical approach, showing the potentiality of some novel approaches or perspectives, such as the one of environmental history.



发布时间:2015-12-16 08:11:20