Tight Euclidean t-Designs and TightRelative t-Designs in Certain Association Schemes

24.06.2015  12:18
主  讲  人  : 板内英一       

活动时间: 06月24日15时00分       

地            点  : 理科群1号楼D-203室


It is known that there is a close analogy between the two relations “Euclidean t-designs vs. spherical t-designs” and “relative t-designs in binary Hamming association schemes vs. combinatorial t-designs.” In this talk, we first look at this analogy and survey the known results, putting emphasis on the study of tight relative t-designs in certain Q-polynomial association schemes.We then specifically study tight relative 2-designs on two shells in binary Hamming association schemes H(n, 2) and Johnson association schemes J(v, k).



发布时间:2015-06-24 09:24:03