Study of Low-Lying Baryons with Hamiltonian Effective Field Theory

26.09.2018  07:45
主  讲  人  : 刘占伟         副教授

活动时间: 09月27日15时00分       

地            点  : 理科2号楼B409


Drawing on experimental data for baryonresonances, Hamiltonian effective field theory (HEFT) is used to predict thepositions of the finite-volume energy levels to be observed in lattice QCDsimulations. We have studied the low-lying baryons N*(1535), N*(1440), andLambda(1405). In the initial analysis, the phenomenological parameters of theHamiltonian model are constrained by experiment and the finite-volumeeigenstate energies are a prediction of the model. The agreement between HEFTpredictions and lattice QCD results obtained at finite volume is excellent.These lattice results also admit a more conventional analysis where thelow-energy coefficients are constrained by lattice QCD results, enabling adetermination of resonance properties from lattice QCD itself. The role andimportance of various components of the Hamiltonian model are examined in thefinite volume. The analysis of the lattice QCD data can help us to understandthe structure of these states better.



发布时间:2018-09-25 16:01:20