Long-range entangled zero-mode state in a non-Hermitian lattice

27.12.2016  12:37
主  讲  人  : 林森        

活动时间: 12月28日10时30分       

地            点  : 理科群2号楼A302


In contrast to a Hermitian system, in which zero modes are usually a degenerate and localized edge state in the thermodynamic limit, the zero mode of a finite non-Hermitian system can be a single nontrivial long-rangeentangled state at the exceptional point. In this work, we demonstrate this feature with a concrete example based on exact solutions. Numerical simulations show that the entangled state can be generated through the dynamic process with a high fidelity.



发布时间:2016-12-27 08:53:21