Oxygen-induced lattice distortion in beta-Ti3Nb and its suppression effect on beta to alpha" transformation

20.05.2015  21:09
主  讲  人  : 耿文通        教授

活动时间: 05月22日08时30分       

地            点  : 理科群2号楼B404室


We report a first-principles density functional theory study on the interaction of interstitial O atoms in body-centered cubic beta-Ti3Nb alloy, the lattice distortion induced by O and its effect on the beta to alpha" transformation. Our calculations demonstrate strong repulsion between O atoms in general, but also reveal a weak attraction at an O-O separation of around 5.63 Å (√3a), which corresponds to a Ti6Nb2O structure. At low concentration (Ti96Nb32O), O induces a local alpha"-like structure in beta-Ti3Nb lattice, albeit to the extent of the nearest- and next-nearest neighbors, and exerts either a remarkable (6-8 meV atom-1) or a negligible (0-1 meV atom-1) energy barrier to the beta to alpha" transformation, dependent on the orientation of its elastic dipole with respect to the external stress. At high concentration (Ti6Nb2O), interstitial O atoms give rise to the shuffling of neighboring {110} planes along the <110> direction and generate a semi-alpha" structure, which is believed to be the nanodomain structure observed in experiment by Miyazaki and co-workers. In both cases, O brings up suppression effect on the beta to alpha" transformation.



发布时间:2015-05-20 15:14:01