Big Data Research Opportunities in Disaster Management: The LITMUS Landslide Information Service as an Illustrative Example(Ⅱ)
活动时间: 06月11日10时00分
地 点 : 理科群1号楼D418
The ongoing convergence of evolution of devices(Internet of Things), deployment of large shared infrastructures (computingclouds), and accumulation of Big Data (sensors and social media) has createdexciting new research challenges in quality of service (e.g., real-timeresponse time, high availability and robustness despite widespread failures),and quality of information (e.g., security, privacy, and robustness despitemisinformation). These research challenges require integration and synthesis ofresults from several related areas, e.g., sensor networks and social networksas Big Data producers, sophisticated machine learning models running on cloudsas Big Data consumers, and system support at various levels to provide timelyresponse. We have built LITMUS, a landslide detection system, to illustrate theresearch challenges of integrating physical sensors (earthquakes and rainfall)and social sensors (Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube).
CaltonPu received his PhD from University of Washington and served on the faculty ofColumbia University and Oregon Graduate Institute. Currently, he is holding the position ofProfessor and John P. Imlay, Jr. Chair in Software in the College of Computing,Georgia Institute of Technology. He hasworked on several projects in systems and database research. His contributions to systems research includeprogram specialization and software feedback. His contributions to database research include extended transactionmodels and their implementation. Hisrecent research has focused on automated system management in clouds (Elbaproject), information quality (e.g., spam processing), and big data in Internetof Things (GRAIT-DM project). He hascollaborated extensively with scientists and industry researchers. He has published more than 70 journal papersand book chapters, 280 conference and refereed workshop papers. He served onmore than 120 program committees.
发布时间:2019-06-11 08:54:27