学术报告:美国乔治华盛顿大学蓝赣辉教授-Thermodynamics in Biological Regulation: Adaptation, Amplification & Allocation
报告题目:Thermodynamics in Biological Regulation: Adaptation, Amplification & Allocation
Living systems are all dissipative and constantly under precise regulation. These regulation functions are generally achieved through biochemical reaction networks, which consist of many interacting proteins that operate out of equilibrium. Our knowledge of living systems is greatly progressed by understanding the operational mechanisms and functional outcomes of various regulatory networks. However, one fundamental and important aspect of biological regulation has been largely ignored: it is dissipative and cost energy. In this lecture, we attempt to use several simple examples to demonstrate the thermodynamics in biological regulation and to show how living systems trade energy for regulatory functions.
蓝赣辉博士现就职于美国乔治华盛顿大学物理系,在北京大学获得理学学士学位(2002年),美国约翰霍普金斯大学获得博士学位(2008),2013年获约翰霍普金斯国家癌症中心领航奖,2013年、2014年连续两年负责组织乔治华盛顿大学关于癌症物理研究的研讨会,2014年、2016年获乔治华盛顿大学特别科研资助。主要从事集体性细胞迁移、细菌细胞分裂、生物力学以及生物信息学等方面研究工作,先后在 Nature Physics , Reports on Progress in Physics , Mol Biol Cell ., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , Physical Review E 等著名期刊发表学术文章20余篇,文章被引用次数达750余次。