Quantum entangled states constructed from orthogonal arrays

19.11.2020  11:30
主  讲  人  : 庞善起        教授

活动时间: 11月20日14时30分       

地            点  : 腾讯会议,ID:990 403 978


A pure quantum state of N subsystems with d levelseach is said to be k-uniform if all of its reductions to k qudits aremaximally mixed. There is a link between quantum entangled states andorthogonal arrays (OAs). By using the construction methods and   Hamming distances of OAs for the theory ofquantum information,we canconstruct a series of infinite classes of irredundant orthogonal arrays(IrOAs). Then we answered the open questions of whether there exist 3-uniformstates of N qubits and 2-uniform states of N qutrits, and whether 3-uniformstates of qudits (d > 2) for high values of N can be explicitly constructedin 《PhysicalReview A》. And we canprovide a positive answer to some open problems in《PhysicalReview Letters》and 《PhysicalReview A》.


庞善起,河南师范大学数学与信息科学学院二级教授,博士生导师,现任中国现场统计研究会常务理事,河南省学术和技术带头人。目前主要从事试验设计、组合设计的理论和应用研究,我们构造的大量的新的正交表特别是混合正交表出现在美国ATT和SAS网站上。已在NPJ Quantum Information,Statistica Sinica,Discrete Mathematics,Linear Algebraand its Applications,InformationSciences,Science China Information Sciences,Quantum Information Processing等SCI及国内外期刊上发表论文90余篇,一些研究成果被美国国际著名组合数学家、统计学家 Hedayat,Sloane和Stufken的专著:《Orthogonal Arrays: Theory and Application》(Springer出版社,1999)全文引用和著名组合数学家Colbourn 和 Dinitz由美国CRCPress 2007年出版的经典专著《The CRC Handbook of CombinatorialDesigns》收录。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目4项,获河南省科技进步奖1项。

发布时间:2020-11-19 09:09:24