The Hot Circum-Galactic Medium
活动时间: 12月14日14时30分
地 点 : 理科群2号楼A302
Circum-galactic medium (CGM) representsmulti-phase gases and other matters [e.g., cosmic rays (CRs), magnetic field,dust, etc.] beyond the galactic disk and bulge, but typically within the virialradius of their dark matter halos. This multi-phase CGM plays a key role in theco-evolution of galaxies together with their ecosystem, as a reservoirproviding fuels to continue star formation and a depository of energy andmetal-enriched materials ejected by various forms of galactic feedback [e.g.,from AGN, massive stellar wind, or supernovae (SNe)]. As the most extended andvolume filling phase of the CGM, the X-ray emitting hot gas potentiallycontains a large fraction of the galactic baryon and energy budgets; itsorigin, spatial distribution, dynamical state, as well as physical and chemicalproperties are thus critical in determining how the CGM interacts with thegalaxies. I will summarize what we have learned about the hot CGM from theexisting X-ray observations. I will also present brief prospects on futureworks on the hot CGM with the existing and forthcoming X-ray missions, as wellas the multi-phase CGM observed in multi-wavelength observations and the CGMstudy at the high redshift universe.
李江涛,博士,美国密西根大学天文系助理研究员(assistant research scientist)。2005年南京大学天文系本科毕业,2010年南京大学天文系博士毕业,分别于2010-2012年和2012-2014年期间在美国马萨诸塞大学和法国原子能暨替代性能源署萨克雷天体物理研究中心(Service d'Astrophysique, Saclay)从事博士后研究,2014年11月开始在美国密西根大学天文系工作至今。主要研究领域为邻近星系周边介质和超新星遗迹的多波段观测研究,研究兴趣还包括高红移宇宙中的类星体、星系周介质和星系际介质等的观测研究。作为项目负责人主持过多项国际合作天文观测项目,已在ApJS、ApJ和MNRAS等国际一流天文期刊发表论文40多篇。
发布时间:2018-12-10 10:58:52