Advanced Electronic Structure Calculations using Numerical Atomic Orbitals

19.05.2021  09:01
主  讲  人  : 任新国         研究员

活动时间: 05月21日11时00分       

地            点  : 理科群2-B409


Electronic structuretheory is the base for the first principles description of materials.Developing novel concepts, efficient algorithms and computer codes is the keyfor tackling complex materials of physical interest with predictive accuracy.Compared to plane wave basis, numerical atomic orbitals (NAO) basis setsfacilitate low-scaling implementations of electronic structure methods, henceenabling calculations with reduced computational cost. In this talk, I willdiscuss some of our recent efforts on methodology, algorithm, and computer codedevelopments based on NAO basis sets. Our works are carried out either withinan in-house pseudopotential-based ABACUS code [1], or within the all-electronFHI-aims code [2] via international collaborations.



发布时间:2021-05-19 08:53:26