
04.03.2019  17:00
主  讲  人  : 应聘人员       

活动时间: 03月06日14时00分       

地            点  : 理科群2号楼A302


1. 题目:双重味强子在高能对撞机上间接产生机制的研究



报告内容:2017年LHCb实验组首次发现双重味重子,双重味强子物理再次取得不凡的成就。但双重味强子的性质决定了它们在高能物理对撞机   上的探测是十分困难的,因此对它们的先行理论研究很有必要。此报告基于非相对论性量子色动力学(NRQCD)理论,使用固定阶计算方法和碎裂函数方法等给出了几种可能的双重味强子间接的产生机制,包括其产生截面,微分分布以及相应产生的事例数等,为将来实验对双重味粒子的探索提供良好的平台和理论指导。

2. 题目:关于钙钛矿的介绍及其发展趋势




3. 题目:Gravity/Fluid Correspondence around C-metric Black Hole



报告内容:In recent works, we found that a kind of Petrov type fluctuations could bemapped to a forced compressible viscous fluid in flat space of one less dimension.In these works we went beyond the framework of the bulk/boundary duality, andthe relaxation of bulk/boundary restriction may possibly be a motivator andreminder of deeper understanding of the holographic principle, also we expectthat this further generalization of the Gravity/Fluid correspondence couldunearth more potentiality of gravity as a powerful tool in the study of fluiddynamics. Furthur, based on this result and by foliating the four-dimensionalC-metric black hole spacetime, we consider a kind of initial value like formulationof the vacuum Einstein’s equation, the holographic initial data is a doubleconsisting of the induced metric and the Brown-York energy-momentum tensor.Then by perturbing the initial data that generates the background spacetime, itturns out that the dual fluid behaves as a pure vortex and the viscosity toentropy ratio is subjected to the black hole acceleration.

4.   题目:Precision Measurement and RareDecay



报告内容:To test the standard model in particle physics, precisionmeasurement and rare decay have been playing an important role as a complementto the large hadron collider. This talk will be focused on the hadronic crosssection measurement at BESIII, utilizing the initial state radiation technique.The hadronic cross section is essential for the theoretical prediction of g-2.On the other hand, at Fermilab, people are measuring the g-2 experimentally.Following that, Another future experiment Mu2e is under construction, which isdesigned to search for the Charged Lepton Flavor Violation.

5.   题目:天文大样本数据对暗能量和暴胀模型对观测检验



报告内容:随着观测技术的发展,观测精度不断提高, 不断积累的天文观测数据使我们可以对暗能量模型和暴胀模型进行精确检验。我将从多种天文大样本数据出发,讨论 Ia 型超新星,BAO 和强引力透镜系统以及致密射电源作为宇宙学探针对不同暗能量模型的观测限制,并用Fisher矩阵误差估计方法讨论几种未来的巡天设备对暴胀模型的检验。


发布时间:2019-03-04 10:57:14