活动时间: 12月30日16时00分
地 点 : 理科2号楼B409室
We investigate the transport properties in a zigzagsilicene nanoribbon in the presence of an external electric field. Thestaggered sublattice potential and two kinds of Rashba spin-orbit couplings canbe induced by the external electric field due to the buckled structure of thesilicene. A bulk gap is opened by the staggered potential and gapless edgestates appear in the gap by tuning the two kinds of Rashba spin-orbit couplingsproperly. Furthermore, the gapless edge states are spin-filtered and areinsensitive to the non-magnetic disorder. These results prove that the quantumspin Hall effect can be induced by an external electric field in silicene,which may have certain practical significance in applications for futurespintronics device.
安兴涛,河北科技大学副教授。2009年获河北师范大学物理科学与信息工程学院博士学位,先后在中国科学院半导体研究所和香港大学从事博士后研究,2009年7月至今在河北科技大学工作。在Appl. Phys. Lett., Phys. Rev. B, New J. Phys. 等发表文章20余篇。近期研究方向为二维材料中的电子结构和输运。
发布时间:2015-12-29 09:04:26