04.01.2016 19:33
本文来源: 河北师范大学
活动时间: 01月06日09时00分
地 点 : 理科群2号楼C318室
In the hadron physics, the final-stateinteraction often plays an important role. In this talk, we willintroduce two examples: in B->pipi l nu decay we usedispersion theory to regorously take into account the pipi final stateinteraction. In this way both of S- and P-wave pipi pair contribution can beconsidered, which provides a novel way to extract the CKM element V_ub.The other one is related to the connection between X(1835) andproton-antiproton (ppbar) bound state. We will explain severalobservations of BES data.
发布时间:2016-01-04 17:11:32
本文来源: 河北师范大学
04.01.2016 19:33
主 讲 人 : 与会专家
K-theory of operator algebras and its applications to geometry and topology
主 讲 人 : Guoliang Yu Pr河北师范大学