活动时间: 12月16日08时00分
地 点 : 会议中心第一会议室
2017 International Symposium onDiscrete and Convex Geometry
(December16-18, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China)
College of Mathematics and Information Science,
Hebei Normal University
Date: December 16, 2017
Place: The First Meeting room, Conference Center
8:00-8:30Opening&Group Photo
Chair:Tudor Zamfirescu
8:30-9:30Tilings and Multiple Tilings
ChuanmingZong, Tianjin University
9:45-10:45On the relatives of Kuperberg's 6 cylinder problem
AndrasBezdek,Auburn University (USA)
11:00-12:00Folding and gluing in convex geometry
CostinVilcu, Institute of Mathematics of the Roumanian Academy (Roumania)
Chair: ChuanmingZong
14:30-15:30 Sphericalembeddings of symmetric association schemes in 3-dimensional Euclidean space
Eiichi Bannai, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
15:45-16:45 Decompositions of closed orientable geometric surfaces into acute geodesic triangles
Sheng Bau,University of Kwazulu Natal(South Africa)
17:00-18:00 Problems on search, pursuit, and exploration
Peter Brass, The City University of New York (USA)
18:15-19:00 Dinner
Date: December 17, 2017
Place: The First Meeting room, Conference Center
Chair: Eiichi Bannai
8:00-9:00Discs held in polyhedral cages
Tudor Zamfirescu,TechnischeUniversität Dortmund (Germany)
9:15-10:15 Tropical complexes of submatrices of tree metrics
Yaokun Wu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
10:30-11:30Constructions of complete sets
Senlin Wu, Middle North University
11:45-12:45 Lunch
Chair: Sheng Bau
14:30-15:30 Geometric problems in sensor networks
Peter Brass, The City University of New York (USA)
15:45-16:45 On the Borromean rings
AndrasBezdek, Auburn University (USA)
17:00-18:00 From convex surfaces to Alexandrov surfaces
CostinVilcu, Institute of Mathematics of the Roumanian Academy (Roumania)
18:15-19:00 Dinner
Date: December 18, 2017
Place: The First Meeting room, Conference Center
8:00-9:00Reductions of 3-connected graphs with minimum degree at least four
Sheng Bau,University of Kwazulu Natal(South Africa)
9:15-10:15 Every graph is contained in a hypohamiltonian one
TudorZamfirescu, TechnischeUniversität Dortmund (Germany)
10:30-11:30 Problem Session
11:45-12:45 Lunch
发布时间:2017-12-15 15:56:13