
03.06.2016  02:02


1、主持 国家自然基金项目1项,题目:“基于弱指导机器学习技术的中文领域本体非分类关系自动学习研究”(项目编号:61300120)。
2、主持 教育厅优秀青年基金项目1项,题目:“基于弱指导信息抽取技术的中文领域本体学习”(项目编号:YQ2013032)。
3、主持完成 河北省自然基金项目1项,题目:“基于弱指导机器学习的开放领域实体关系自动抽取技术研究”(项目编号:F2012208016)。

[1] Jing Qiu (仇晶), Lejian Liao, Peng Li. Enhancing topic tracking for Chinese news Web pages with temporal information and key Web contexts. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2010, 6(1): 399-408. (SCI收录)
[2] Jing Qiu (仇晶), Ke Jia, Jingfang Su, Junkang Hao. Ontology Concept Population and Non-taxonomic Relation Learning Based on Dependency Syntactic Information. ICICIC2015.
[3] Jing Qiu (仇晶), Jing Peng, Ying Zhai. Network community detection based on spectral clustering. ICMLC 2014, 2(29): 648-652. (EI收录)
[4] Jing Qiu (仇晶), Liehuang Zhu, Junkang Hao. Relation Extraction Based on Multi-view Ensemble Algorithm. ICIC Express Letters, 2011, 5(4A): 1051-1056. (EI收录)
[5] Jing Qiu (仇晶), Lejian Liao, Junkang Hao. Chinese Question Retrieval System Using Dependency Information. 6th International Conference on Active Media Technology, 2010, 6335: 288-295. (EI收录)
[6] Jing Qiu(仇晶), Junkang Hao. Feature-based Approach Combined with Hierarchical Classifying Strategy to Relation Extraction. International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2010, 2243-2246. (EI收录)
[7] Jing Qiu (仇晶), Lejian Liao, Peng Li. Relation Extraction from Chinese News Web Documents Based on Weakly Supervised Learning. International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems. IEEE Computer Society, 2009: 219-225. (EI收录)
[8] Jing Qiu (仇晶), Lejian Liao, Peng Li. Combining Syntactic Structured and Flat Features for Relation Extraction Using Co-training. International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems. IEEE Computer Society, 2009: 401-404. (EI收录)
[9] Jing Qiu (仇晶), Lejian Liao, Peng Li. News Recommender System Based on Topic Detection and Tracking. 4th Internetional Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology. Springer Berlin, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009: 690-697. (EI收录)
[10] Jing Qiu (仇晶), Lejian Liao, Peng Li. Extracting Relations from Chinese Web Documents Using Kernel Methods. 8th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science. IEEE Computer Society, 2009: 352-356. (EI收录)
[11] Jing Qiu (仇晶), Lejian Liao, Xiujie Dong. Topic Detection and Tracking for Chinese News Web Pages. International Conference on Advanced Language Processing and Web Information Technology. IEEE Computer Society, 2008: 114-120. (EI收录)
[12] Jing Qiu (仇晶), Liao Lejian. Add temporal information to Dependency Structure Language Model for Topic Detection and Tracking. International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. IEEE Computer Society, 2008: 1575-1580. (EI收录)
[13] Jing Qiu (仇晶), Liao Lejian. Add semantic role to dependency structure language model for topic detection and tracking. 8th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing. IEEE Computer Society, 2007: 517-521. (EI收录)
[14] Jing Qiu(仇晶), Dingren Shuang, Guanghua Zhang, Kai Gao. Developing an Online Payment System for Campus Level Examination. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 263-266 (2013), pp 2763-2677. (EI收录)