
07.06.2014  05:42

一、项目名称 :中国保定北方苗木花卉产业研发交易示范中心

二、项目实施地点 :保定市农业生态园

三、项目内容及规模 :一期工程建设生态苗木科技研发交易区。建设一期100亩苗木花卉新品配套展示区;0.6万平方米的物流配送中心。二期工程建设2000亩苗木花卉新品展示区;100亩苗木花卉实体交易市场,其中建设5000平方米的温室交易大厅;1-2万亩苗木花卉生产基地。

四、投资估算: 项目概算投资预计约3亿元人民币。资金来源为自有资金及项目贷款,其中自有资金1亿元占总投资33%,项目贷款2亿元占总投资67%。

五、市场及效益分析 :经济效益:据测算分析,该项目的投资利润率为42.87%,投资回收期4.12年。社会效益:项目带动保定市农户2.5万户,解决保定市乡村约3万名闲散劳力的就业问题,人均年纯收入增加2万元,将积极地推动保定市花卉产业的发展。本项目建成过程中,每年为当地累计产生税收约5000万元。随着平台内企业及平台运营模式的不断发展将会为当地政府带来更大的税收。

六、合作方式: 合资和技术合作。

七、联系方式: 姓名:杨洪峰      联系电话:13821878188

邮箱: [email protected]

No. 20:

1. Project Name

China Research Development Trade and Demonstration Center of Northern Seedlings and Flowers of Baoding Municipality

2. Project Location

Agro-ecological Park of Baoding Municipality

3. Project Content and Scope

The first phase of the Project is to construct an ecological seedling research & development trading district, which includes a supporting exhibition district of new flower products of 100mu and a logistics distribution center of 6000m 2 . The second phase is to construct a exhibition district of new seedling and flower products of 2000mu; a entity trading market of seedlings and flowers of 100mu which includes a greenhouse trading hall of 5000m 2 ; a flower production base of 10000 mu to 20000 mu.

4. Estimated Budget

The estimated budget of the Project is about RMB300 million Yuan approximately. The sources of funding are self-raised funds and project loans, of which RMB100 million Yuan is self-raised which acs for 33% of the total investment and RMB200 million Yuan is project loan which acs for 67% of the total investment.

5. Market and Benefit Analysis

Ÿ    Economic Benefits: according to the analysis of calculation, the project return on investment rate is 42.87%, the investment recovery period is 4.12 years.

Ÿ    Social Benefits: 25 thousands households of farmers in Baoding will be evolved into the Project. It will solve the employment problem for 30 thousand idle labors in Baoding rural area, whose annual income per capita will be increased by 20 thousand Yuan. This will actively promoted the development of the flower industry in Baoding. During the construction process of the Project, it will bring about a tax of 50 million Yuan accumulatively for the local government every year. With the continuous development of the enterprises in this platform and the operation mode of the platform, it will bring much more tax for the local government.

6. Cooperation Form

Joint venture and technology cooperation

7. Contact Way

Contact Person: Yang Hongfeng

      Mobil Phone: 13821878188

      E-mail: [email protected]