A Criterion for the semi-simplicity of the representation algebra of a finite tensor category

31.07.2018  02:52
主  讲  人  : 李立斌        教授

活动时间: 07月30日10时00分       

地            点  : 数信学院D-204室


This talk deals with the representation algebra of afinite tensor category   with finitely many isomorphism classes ofindecomposable objects over an algebraically closed field F. The first part ofthis talk is concerned with the question when the representation ring and therepresentation algebra over a field K is Jacobson semi-simple (namely, has zeroJacobson radical). It turns out that the representation algebra is Jacobsonsemi-simple if and only if the Casimir number of the tensor category is notzero in K. For the representation ring being Jacobson semi-simple if and onlyif the Casimir number of the tensor category is not zero. In the second part weshall focus on the case where the tensor category is the representationcategory over a cyclic group algebra with order prime number p over a fieldwith characteristic p. In this case, the Casimir number is computable . Thisleads to a complete description of the Jacobson radical of the representationalgebra.



发布时间:2018-07-30 17:41:47