Fusion of probability and combinatorics

23.05.2017  17:55
主  讲  人  : 宋春伟        教授

活动时间: 05月24日16时30分       

地            点  : 理科群1号楼D-203


In recent decades there has been a trend of increasing applications of the probabilistic method in combinatorics. To warm up we present a few classical results solved by the probabilistic model. Then we discuss a problem in somehow reverse direction, to show that combinatorial methodology may be used in probabilistic analysis.


宋春伟,北京大学数学科学学院教授。研究方向:组合数学与图论,特别是格路径计数理论与组合统计量、极值组合学、概率方法、图的重要参数与图结构。现任中国数学会理事、北京数学会理事、Math Reviews评论人。

发布时间:2017-05-23 16:33:29