Homotopy classification of operator solutions of linear systems

19.10.2021  13:02
主  讲  人  : Cihan Okay        assistant professor

活动时间: 10月25日15时00分       

地            点  : 线上


Linear systems of equations over a finite field playan important role in quantum information theory. Instead of looking forsolutions over the base field one can look for solutions (in a certain sense)over the unitary group, which are called operator solutions. The data of thissystem of equations can be expressed using a hypergraph and the operatorsolutions can be studied from a topological point of view by consideringcertain topological realizations of these hypergraphs. In this talk I willdescribe how homotopical methods provide a way to classify operator solutionsof linear systems. Our basic approach is to interpret operator solutions asmaps from a topological realization of the hypergraph to a certain classifyingspace first introduced by Adem-Cohen-Torres Giese.


Cihan Okay is an assistant professor of BilkentUniversity, obtained his PhD from the University of British Columbia. ProfessorOkay works algebraic topology and computational topology with variouspublications and conference/seminar talks. He has been awarded by Air ForceOffice of Scientific Research (2020-2023) on Topology of quantum resources:Homotopical methods in resource theories for quantum information and quantumcomputing.

发布时间:2021-10-19 11:04:50