Pseudo knots and pseudo braids

31.10.2018  01:32
主  讲  人  : Valeriy Bardakov        professor

活动时间: 11月02日15时00分       

地            点  : 理科群1号楼D203


In my talk Irecall some definitions from the Knot Theory and Braid Theory and formulate themain problem of the Knot Theory. Then I

introduce thepseudo diagrams and pseudo knot, which come from molecular biology. After thisI explain solutions of some problem in the Theory of pseudo knots: analogs ofAlexander and Markov theorems, connections with the Theory of Singular Knots.At the end I formulate some open problems.


Valeriy Bardakov is a professor of Sobolev Instituteof Mathematics with holding a joint position at Laboratory of Topology andDynamics of Novosibirsk State University who is visiting to Hebei NormalUniversity from 17 October to 30 November 2018. Prof. Bardakov is a world-classexpert on braid theory, knot theory and group theory with over 70 publicationsin the area.

发布时间:2018-10-30 16:28:07