Generalized perfect difference packings: a generalization of perfect difference families

23.04.2021  09:00
主  讲  人  : 王立冬        副教授

活动时间: 04月23日16时00分       

地            点  : 数学科学学院203报告厅


The existence problem of (n, w, 1)-perfect difference families(PDFs) has been an outstanding open problem in combinatorial design theorysince it was first introduced by Bermond, Kotzig and Turgeon in 1976, whoproved that perfect difference families cannot exist for w≥6. For w=3, theexistence problem has been completely settled. However, the existence problemfor w=4 is far from settled. So far, (12t+1, 4, 1)-PDFs are known only fort≤1000 with two definite exceptions of t=2, 3. The existence results for k=5are even more scarce.

In this talk, we will extend the concept of (n, w, 1)-PDFsto generalized (n_1×n_2×…×n_e, w, 1)-perfect difference packings (PDPs) and discussthe optimal constructions of such packings, hoping to provide some new ideasfor the study of (n, w, 1)-PDFs.


王立冬,理学博士,中国人民警察大学副教授,网络空间安全专业硕士生导师。长期从事编码理论与组合数学的交叉研究工作,在组合数学基础理论及高维光正交码、光正交签名码、循环常重码等前沿课题上取得了重要进展,相关成果发表国际信息论邻域顶级期刊《IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory》、国际密码学三大学报之一《Des. Codes Cryptogr.》和组合设计国际权威期刊《J. Combin. Designs》等知名刊物,主持或参与国家自然科学基金项目、河北省自然科学基金项目和公安理论与软科学项目等省部级以上科研项目4项,获得河北省教学成果三等奖和公安部教学成果二等奖各1项。

发布时间:2021-04-23 07:38:39