Using Terrestrial LiDAR to quantify gully and hillslope erosion

12.06.2016  17:35
主  讲  人  : 李英奎        博士

活动时间: 06月12日14时30分       

地            点  : 资环学院五楼会议室


Soil erosion, including hillslope and gully erosion, reduces soil fertility and vegetation productivity, causing negativeimpact on environmental sustainability. In spite of this, fundamental questions remain about theinitiation, development, and stabilization of rill and gully systems. A major challenge isthe lack of suitable methods to detect and directly measure micro-topographic changes.This presentation introduces some initial work we conducted in using terrestrial LiDAR to quantify gully and hillslope erosion in the USA. Multiple scans were performed to monitor gully and rill development and hillslope erosion. The digital elevation model (DEM) can be generated using the point cloud of each scan to 1-cm centimeter level. The volume changes of sediment erosion and deposition were detected by subtracting the DEMsobtained at different time slices. We also evaluated the impact of DEM resolutions on volume change to examine if an optimal or threshold resolution exists in detecting gully or hillslope erosional processes. This work opens some new opportunities toquantify and monitor gully and hillslope erosional processes and help to mitigate their negative impacts on regional ecosystems and sustainable development.





发布时间:2016-06-12 09:14:44