Cut locus and Intuitive geometry

21.07.2017  00:01
主  讲  人  : Jin-ichi Itoh        professor

活动时间: 07月31日15时00分       

地            点  : 理科群1号楼D-417


Cut locus is defined by Poincare in the beginning of 20 century, and studied long time in global differential geometry. In my talk, we will review its history and recent results, a generalization of Jacobi’s last statements, and several topics.

Intuitive geometry” is the title of book written by Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen in the first half of 20 century.

We will enjoy such kind of interesting (amusing) geometric problems.


Jin-ichi Itoh studied mathematics (especially differential geometry) at Nagoya University and graduate school of Hokkaido University, and got Doctor of Science at 1986. He taught at Kyushu University as an   assistant, at Kyushu Institute of Technology as an associated Professor, and he is a professor of Kumamoto University from 2001.

Now he organizes two meeting "Geodesics and related topics" and "Intuitive Geometry" every year.  

发布时间:2017-07-20 20:07:54