Power monoid of numerical monoids

03.06.2022  09:41
主  讲  人  : Pierre-Yves Bienvenu       

活动时间: 06月03日20时00分       

地            点  : Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/97859517195?pwd=TkQ4QitMWmsvMUV4dFBvYWhlM3Q3QT09(会议号:97859517195 密码:771142)


LetS ⊆ N 0 be a numerical monoidand let P fin (S), resp P fin,0 (S), denote the power monoid, resp. therestricted power monoid, of S, that is the set of all finite nonempty subsetsof S, resp. the set of all finite nonempty subsets of S containing 0, with set additionas operation. The arithmetic of power monoids received some attention in recentliterature, in particular in works of Tringali. We complement theseinvestigations by studying algebraic properties of power monoids, such as theirprime spectrum. Moreover, we show that almost all elements of P fin,0 (S) areirreducible (i.e., they are not proper sumsets). This is joint work with AlfredGeroldinger.


Pierre-YvesBienvenu earned his PhD at the university of Bristol in 2018. After stations atLyon and Bonn, he is currently working at TU Graz, Austria.

发布时间:2022-06-03 08:20:46