学术报告:Magnetic Field Analyses of Electric Machines and Magnetic Devices

22.03.2016  16:04
    报告题目:Magnetic Field Analyses of Electric Machines and Magnetic Devices 报 告 人:  Prof. Kazuhiro MURAMATSU村松和弘教授 报告时间:3月24日14:00-15:30 报告地点:科技楼一楼报告厅 参加人员:电气工程学院教师及研究生 About Lecture Prof. Kazuhiro MURAMATSU will present “Magnetic Field Analysis ofElectric Machine and Magnetic Device”. Nowadays, 3D magnetic field analysis is an essential tool to develop and design electric machines and magnetic devices. In this presentation, the effectiveness and some developmentsof magnetic field analysis using finite element method will be demonstrated using practical applications. About Prof. Kazuhiro MURAMATSU Prof. Kazuhiro MURAMATSU was born in 1965. He is a Professor of Department of Advanced Technology Fusion, Saga University, Japan, and a Visiting Professor of Wuhan University under contract of High-end Foreign Experts Recruitment Program, China. (国家外专局,高端外国专家) His major research topics are the developments of the methods of 3D magnetic field analyses and their application on electrical machines and magnetic devices. He contributed in following fields, modelling of moving conductor, homogenization technique of laminate core, coupled magneto-mechanical analysis method, and nonconforming finite element method. The method he developed were applied toreduce the loss and noise of electrical machines, design magnetic bearing system, open-type magnetically shielded room, and artifact free implant for MRI, etc. He publishedmore than 50 papers on IEEE Transaction on Magnetics. He wasone of theorganizing committee of IEEE CEFC 2012, a chief editor of COMPUMAG 2011, a secretariat of IEEE CEFC 1996, a session chair and refereeof CEFC, INTERMAG,and COMPUMAG.In 2007, he received Distinguished Engineering Service Award of Engineering PromotionAssociation, Japan.