Enumerative Algebraic Geometry (枚举代数几何)
活动时间: 11月05日08时30分
地 点 : 腾讯会议ID:936 936 616
Modern enumerative algebraic geometry is a broadand important branch in Geometry which has close relation and impact ontheoretical physics such as string theory, Yang-Mills gauge theory and quantumfield theory. The basic invariants in enumerative geometry areGromov-Witten invariants, Donaldson-Thomas, Gopakumar-Vafa invariants andVafa-Witten invariants etc. In this talk I will review the basic history ofAlgebraic Geometry, and the main research areas. Then I will mainlyfocus on enumerative algebraic geometry and introduce the main countinginvariants. The last part of the talk is focusing on the S-dualityconjecture of Vafa-Witten which is motivated by the electric and magneticfield duality in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills gauge theory.
蒋云峰,美国堪萨斯大学教授,研究代数几何和数学物理,特别是Gromov-Witten理论和Donaldson-Thomas理论,以及与双有理几何,辛拓扑,几何表示论,枚举组合,S-对偶猜想和镜面对称间的联系。科研成果丰硕,在Journal of differential geometry, Journal of algebraic geometry,Advances in Mathematics,Journal Reine Angew Math,Inter.Math.Res.Notices,Math. Annalen,Math.Research Letters等著名数学杂志发表论文多篇,是国际知名的代数几何专家。
发布时间:2021-11-03 09:22:12