A Systematic Search for Dual AGNs in Merging Galaxies

07.03.2017  17:33
主  讲  人  : 黄样       

活动时间: 03月09日15时30分       

地            点  : 理科楼群2号楼B404


We have developed an innovative method of systematically searching and identifying dual-AGN systems amongst kilo-parsec scale merging galaxies. We first select galaxies that are potentially undergoing a merging process from the SDSS imaging survey – galaxies exhibiting two optical cores separated by less than 8 arcsecond. Then, we cross-match the selected galaxies with the FIRST radio sources in order to exclude physically unrelated pairs. Only systems with a FIRST radio detection and one of the cores that has been previously identified as an AGN by spectroscopy are selected for follow-up spectroscopy. A total of 185 dual-AGN candidates are selected in this way. To test the effectiveness of the method, we have applied and got observing time of a couple of nights of the YNAO 2.4m telescope. Hitherto, we have observed a total of ~ 40 candidates with the YFOSC long-slit spectrograph. Based on the two-dimensional long-slit spectra acquired, over ten observed candidates are confirmed as real dual AGNs – an efficiency as high as 20-30%, an order of magnitude more effective than the traditional method!




发布时间:2017-03-07 09:16:20