学术报告:Intelligent Digital Media Analysis and Description: human-centered computing methods

07.08.2015  11:52
  题目:Intelligent Digital Media Analysis and Description: human-centered computing methods 报告人:Prof. Ioannis Pitas(希腊塞萨洛尼基亚里斯多德大学) 报告时间:2015年8月15日上午11点 报告地点:计算机学院楼102   报告摘要: Recent advances in technological equipment, like digital cameras, smart-phones, etc., have led to an increase of the available digital media, e.g., videos, captured every day. Moreover, the amount of data captured for professional media production (e.g., movies, special effects, etc) has dramatically increased, justifying the digital media analysis as a big data analysis problem. As expected, most of these data are acquired in order to describe human presence and activity and are exploited either for monitoring (visual surveillance and security) or for personal use and entertainment. Basic problems in human-centered media analysis are face recognition, facial expression recognition and human activity recognition.   In this lecture, a short overview on recent research efforts for digital media analysis and description using computational intelligence methods will be given. Such methods are very powerful in analyzing, representing and classifying digital media content through various architectures and learning algorithms. Both unsupervised and supervised algorithms can be used for digital media feature extraction. The specific problem that will be used as a case study for digital media analysis is the human-centered video analysis for human activity recognition. This keynote will summarize R&D results obtained in the EU funded FP7 project IMPART.
报告人简介: Prof. Ioannis Pitas (IEEE fellow,  IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, EURASIP fellow) received the Diploma and PhD degree in Electrical Engineering, both from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Since 1994, he has been a Professor at the Department of Informatics of the same University. He served as a Visiting Professor at several Universities. His current interests are in the areas of image/video processing, intelligent digital media, machine learning, human centered interfaces, affective computing, computer vision, 3D imaging and biomedical imaging. He has published over 795 papers, contributed in 44 books in his areas of interest and edited or (co-)authored another 10 books. He has also been member of the program committee of many scientific conferences and workshops. In the past he served as Associate Editor or co-Editor of eight international journals and General or Technical Chair of four international conferences. He participated in 68 R&D projects, primarily funded by the European Union and is/was principal investigator/researcher in 40 such projects. He has 21000+ citations (Google Scholar) to his work and h-index 68+ (Google Scholar).