International Symposium on Discrete Geometry and Convexity
活动时间: 08月25日08时00分
地 点 : 理科群1号楼D-203室
1、报告人:Chuanming Zong,(TianjinUniversity)
题目: Tilingand Multiple Tiling in the Plane
2、报告人:Luis MontejanoPeimbert ,Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico)
题目:On the isomerric hypothesis ofBanach
3、报告人:Jiazu Zhou,(SouthwestUniversity)
题目: The sharp convex mixedLorentz-Sobolev inequality
4、报告人:Boumédiène Et-Taoui, UniveristédeHaute-Alsace(France)
题目:Metricproblems in projective spaces and in Grassmann manifolds
5、报告人:ImreBárány,Alfréd Rényi Mathematical Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary)
题目:Theorems of Carathéodory, Helly, andTverbergwithout dimension
6、报告人:Sheng Bau,UniversityofKwaZulu-Natal (South Africa)
题目:Metric spaces of vector groups
7、报告人:ChristinaZamfirescu, City University ofNew York (America)
题目:Intersection and transformations ofdigraphs, survey connections
8、报告人:Dirk Frettloeh,BielefeldUniversity (Germany)
题目:Perfectcolourings of regular graphs
9、报告人:Carol Tudor Zamfirescu, GhentUniversity(Belgium)
题目:OnK1- and K2-hamiltonian graphs and two conjectures of Grünbaum
10、报告人:JánosPach, École Polytechnique Fédérale deLausanne (Switzerland)
题目: Many pairwise crossing edges
11、报告人:Jin-ichi Itoh,SugiyamaJogakuen University (Japan)
题目:Reversing cuve and Origami tent
12、报告人:Horst Martini Universityof Technology Chemnitz(Germany)
题目:Minkowski geometry from thediscrete point of view
13、报告人:Ferenc Fodor, UniversityofSzeged (Hungary)
题目:TheLpdual Minkowski problem
14、报告人:DéborahOliverosBraniff , UniversidadNacional Autónoma de México (Mexico)
题目: Tverberg type of theorems andintersection patterns
15、报告人:Senlin Wu, NorthUniversityof China)
题目:Covering and illumination of convex bodies
16、报告人:Costin Vîlcu, InstituteofMathematics of the Romanian Academy (Romania)
题目:Double normals ofmost convexbodies
ChuanmingZong, (TianjinUniversity)
LuisMontejanoPeimbert , Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico)
JiazuZhou, (SouthwestUniversity)
BoumédièneEt-Taoui, Univeristé deHaute-Alsace(France)
ImreBárány,AlfrédRényi Mathematical Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary)
ShengBau,University of KwaZulu-Natal(South Africa)
ChristinaZamfirescu, City University ofNew York (America)
DirkFrettloeh ,BielefeldUniversity (Germany)
CarolTudor Zamfirescu, GhentUniversity(Belgium)
JánosPach, École Polytechnique FédéraledeLausanne (Switzerland)
Jin-ichiItoh ,SugiyamaJogakuen University (Japan)
Horst Martini Universityof Technology Chemnitz(Germany)
FerencFodor, Universityof Szeged (Hungary)
DéborahOliverosBraniff , UniversidadNacional Autónoma de México (Mexico)
SenlinWu, NorthUniversity of China)
Costin Vîlcu, Instituteof Mathematics of the Romanian Academy (Romania)
发布时间:2019-08-26 21:20:44