
15.12.2014  16:21
报告题目:  Sub-5 nm Patterning and Applications by Nanoimprint Lithography

报告人:美国南加州大学 吴蔚教授

报告时间:2014年12月17日  上午10:00


报告简介:    Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) is a cost-effective nano-patterning technology based on the mechanical deformation of a resist. We have demonstrated high-resolution patterning down to 4 nm half-pitch, 3-D patterning of high-aspect-ratio nanostructures and patterning on non-flat substrate.I will give two examples of application. One is a full-colorreflective display, which is based on three-layer stacked 2-D sub-wavelength high contrast dielectric gratings (HCG). It has the potential to display vivid colors that are not possible by other reflective display technologies. The other is a chemical sensing device based on surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) sensors fabricated using 3-D NIL. Due to its unprecedented sensitivity, it has great potential applications in explosive detection and food safety.

吴蔚教授简介:    Wei Wu graduated from Peking University with a BS in Physics in 1996, and received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University in 2003.  He joined the Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern California as an associate Professor January, 2012. Before joining USC, he had worked as a senior scientist at HP labs.  His work includes high-resolution nano-fabrication and applications in nano-photonics, nano-electronics, renewable energy harvesting and chemical sensing.  He coauthored 81 peer reviewed journal papers, 1 book chapter and more than 80 conference presentations. He has 66 granted US patents and 50 pending applications.    He is a co-editor of Applied Physics A.