
07.06.2014  05:42

一、项目名称: 秦皇岛市北戴河集发农业综合开发股份有限公司花卉苗木繁育基地扩建项目

二、项目实施地点: 秦皇岛市北戴河区戴河镇集发花卉苗木基地

三、项目内容及规模。 建设基地600亩。其中:引进优质花卉、苗木新品种100多个品种,主要包括:木槿、白玉簪、金山秀、金叶香菊、樱花、鸢尾、萱草、绣线菊、大燕尾、马挂树、楸树、皂角、冷季草、桧柏、红端木等;土壤改良。

四、投资估算。 项目总投资480万元。其中:优质花卉、苗木新品种引进420万元;土壤改良60万元。

五、市场及效益分析。 该项目实施后,供应秦皇岛及京、津、唐地区花卉苗木市场;可安排当地农村剩余劳动力300人,在公司内提供就业机会,提高农民的经济收入,改善农民的生活水平;通过优质花卉、苗木品种的引进和推广,发挥普及和辐射带动作用,使周边农业种植结构的调整,改善农村生产条件,增加农民收入,促进河北省种苗良种生产的产业化。根据循环经济“减量化、再利用、再循环”的操作原则,进行土壤改良、环境治理、空气净化,促进农业生态循环经济发展,造福子孙。

六、合作方式: 采取合资方式

七、联系方式: 法人代表:李克彬    联系电话:0335-5928112电子邮箱: [email protected]  网址:http://www.51jifa.com.cn

No. 13:

1. Project Name

Flower and Seedling Cultivation Base Expansion Project by Beidaihe Jifa Comprehensive Agriculture Development Co., Ltd of Qinghuandao Municipality

2. Project Location

Jifa Flower and Seedling Base in Daihe township of Beidaihe District of Beidaihe Municipality

3. Project Content and Scope

The construction base is 600mu. More than 100 new species of flowers and seedlings will be introduceg, mainly include Hibiscus syriacus, Hosta plantaginea, Crossostephium chinense (L.) Mak.ex Cham. et Schltr., Prunus subhirtella(Miq.)Sok., Iris germanica, Hemerocallis, Spiraea salicifolia, CatalpabungeiC.A.Mey,  Gleditsia sinensis Lam., cool-season grass, Sabina chinensis, Cornus alba, etc. Soil improvement.

4. Estimated Budget

The total budget of the Project is 4.8 million Yuan, of which 4.2 million Yuan is going to be used for the introduction of new species of flowers and seedlings and 0.6 million Yuan is for the soil improvement.

5. Market and Benefit Analysis

      The plants and seedlings produced by this project can be sold in Beijing, Tianjin and Tangshan Municipality. After the project, we can provide another 300 employment opportunities for the idle labors in the local rural area, which will increase the incomes of the farmers and improve their living standard. The introduction and extension of those high-quality flowers and seedlings will play a demonstration role, which will help to adjust agricultural planting structure in the surrounding area, improve production conditions in the rural area, increase farmers’ incomes, and promote the industrialization of the seedling production of the excellent varieties in Hebei Province. Based on the principles of cyclic economy “ reduce, reuse, recycle”, the soil, environment and air improvement will be carried out to promote the development of the ecological circular agricultural economy and benefit the future generation.

6. Cooperation Form

      Joint Venture

7. Contact Way

Legal Representative: Li Kebin

Tel: 0335-5928112

E-mail: [email protected]

Web Site: http://www.51jifa.com.cn