谢婷婷与名媛之子分手 男方:以后还是朋友

18.11.2014  13:26

    据香港媒体报道,谢婷婷去年同安志杰分手之后,即火速恋上社交界名媛李桂兰之子戴尚安(Sean),更不断传出婚讯,不过近日却传出分手,戴尚安在网上社交网站instagram交待同婷婷已经分手,他写道:“There have been a lot of rumours flying around over the weekend.

    Normally I keep personal matters private but in this case it's better to clarify the situation that Jennifer and I split last week.

    We both agree that we're better off as friends and remain good friends. We will continue to collaborate on artistic and meaningful projects in the future. Thanks for the wise words Buddha…”



    戴尚安日前被拍到夜蒲沟女,更玩到除衫露点;而婷婷的旧爱安志杰则最近才刚与Jessica C.开始恋情,拍了几日拖,JC就上他住宅过夜。